It’s probably happened to us all at least once, having someone take your stuff from your vehicle. It’s a vulnerable feeling as you don’t think it’s going to happen to you.
The title of this blog sums it up, don’t leave your valuables in your vehicles. And this is why: Most vehicle break-ins are individuals taking advantage of an opportunity rather than some mastermind criminal. They see something in the vehicle they like, and on a whim, they decide they want it, so they take it. It is a crime of opportunity.
What helps these thieves even more is leaving your vehicle unlocked. Police have seen thieves just walking from vehicle to vehicle, checking door handles to see if vehicles are unlocked. It doesn’t matter if it is a car, a truck, a van or SUV. Thieves will quickly scour your vehicle, find what they like, and leave as quickly as they went in, to avoid getting caught.
As a security company, we stress, if you have something that is important to you, do not leave your valuables in your vehicle.
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Providing professional and dedicated security guards for your safety and security needs.